How to Prepare for Your First Photoshoot

Your First Photo Shoot

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Your first photo shoot will be a good experience if you prepare for it and are ready at the time of the shoot. Don’t just expect to show up and have everyone else do your work for you. A successful photo shoot is a collaboration between the photographer, model, make up artist, and wardrobe person. Most often, only the model and photographer are present. That means that you – the model – will be responsible for your own make up and outfits.

For tips on how to pose, click here

First advice is to relax and have fun. The whole idea of a first photo shoot  is to try out different looks and see what the model’s potential is and her strengths and weaknesses. Many people refer to this shoot as a general portfolio shoot. You simply don’t know what the model will look good in until you put it in camera. So try a variety and don’t be afraid to experiment, even with looks you think you don’t like. It just might surprise you.

Prepare Your Outfits

The best thing you can do before the shoot is prepare your outfits and get them ready and organized. The more work you put into your outfits, the better the shoot will go and the more usable pictures you will end up with. It’s up to you. If you don’t follow this advice and just throw things together at the last minute, you’re not going to get many usable pictures.

It’s a good idea to lay out your outfits, put them on the model, and send either the photographer the pictures or the wardrobe artist. That’s the best way. It also gives them an idea of what the model looks like so they can make suggestions of other outfits. The pictures don’t have to be professional or even good quality. If you want to be modest, don’t show the model’s face. Here’s some examples:

DSC_0061 DSCN0235 IMG_4487

Co-ordinate with the photographer or wardrobe artist as much as you can before the shoot so you don’t waste valuable studio time not knowing which outfits to wear. Break them down into categories as exampled below.  Generally three outfits per category is enough. Click on the links to see samples:

Casual LooksClick here to see samples of casual wear

Fashion LooksClick here to see samples of fashion wear

Swim WearClick here to see swim suit samples

Elegant OutfitsClick here to see samples of elegant wear

Costume or Hobby LooksClick here to samples of costume wear

What shoes do I bring?Click here to see samples of shoes

Other tips for your first photo shoot is to come prepared. Get a good night’s sleep before the shoot. Don’t wear tight clothes that leave lines in your skin the day of the shoot (socks or tight hose). Do your hair and make up before you show up. Remember, you only have three hours of studio time, use every minute of it that you can shooting pictures. Bring make up and hair brush and all the supplies you will need. There will not be a hair stylist or make up artist there. Minimal make up looks best on younger models. But do bring red lipstick, it shows up well on photos and head shots.  Show up 15 minutes early so you can unload your outfits as the photographer is setting up his lights or finishing up with the last model. Maximize your time.


Los Angeles Fashion Photographer